Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Good Chocolate

So. There is a candy basket that sits on the corner of my officle (that's an office cubicle) and it's a free-for-all. Everyone in our department pitches in and we provide the yummies for the entire building. Generally, we fill it up with Kiddie Mix and keep the "good chocolate" for ourselves. Lucky for me, I am the gate keeper and key master of the good chocolate. It lives in the bottom of my 2-drawer file. As you can imagine, it takes every ounce of will to keep me from dipping my fingers in there every 2 minutes. But, I do allow myself one piece of Dove Silky Smooth Dark Chocolate Promises a day. They are heavenly. Since I can't send it to you over the internet like Willie Wonka, I thought I would share some Promises Messages with you. Most of them are really nice, though every now and then, they sneak in something a la Christmas Story's "drink more Ovaltine".  I'll weed those out and share the "good chocolate".

Anyhoo, don't forget to steal 5 minutes for yourself and have a chickadee day!

1 comment:

  1. I love those chocolates!!! They are yummy and fun to read
    If you would like please check out my blog for a giveaway :
