Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cookie Monster Challenge

I love cookies. I'm an unapologetic cookie monster and I love to bake. I'm a connoisseur of cookies, if you will, but I'm not a cookie snob. I have no problem making a batch of slice and bake cookies, in fact I think Toll House ready-to-bake cookies are downright delicious. But, I've never made box cookies... until now.

Last week, I picked up a box of Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Shortbread Cookie Mix. They only sell it at Target, and every time I see it there, I am tempted. But, this time it was on sale-- the magic word-- so I finally picked it up. The directions are ridiculously easy: blend dry cookie mix and one and a half sticks of butter. That's it. Instant shortbread dough. Ridiculous, right? Plus, the box has three separate packages of cookie mix, so you can make smaller batches if you'd like. Amazing, no?

Cookie #1: I suppose I decided that with such an easy recipe I could pull out some of the tricks up my sleeve (the ones I make as I go along) and do some "cookie doctoring". Or maybe it was guilt about making yummy cookies from a box that made me feel like I needed to put more effort into it! Anyhoo, for whatever reason, I challenged myself to a cookie throw-down...with myself. I started with the cookie recipe suggested on the box: form 1-inch balls, bake, then press a chocolate wafer into each one. Cookies sampled. Passed yummy test. Success.

Cookie #2: I'm not a cook. You couldn't make a meal out of anything in our pantry unless you call stuffing mix, tomato paste and canned peaches a meal. Seriously, I just checked the pantry. But, if you turn to the baking section, you'll find a healthy toolbox just waiting for cookie doctoring. So, I dive in and come out with dark chocolate wafers and vanilla. I give you Dark Chocolate Shortbread Cookies With Extra Vanilla. Catchy, eh? By the way, my only beef with the magic cookie dough: there are exactly 24 chocolate wafers per cookie mix bag. They claim each batch yields two dozen cookies, but I found that I could make about 40. Good thing I always have extra baking and melting chocolate in the pantry. P.S.- If you choose to add any extra liquid ingredient to your recipe, like vanilla or apple juice, make sure you balance it out with a bit of flour to maintain the dough's consistency.

Cookie #3: Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies. The great part of this cookie challenge is that I was able to use some flavorings that have been patiently waiting in the baking section for their time in the sun. So, this recipe stars almond extract and raspberry preserves. I added almond extract to the dough to taste, then formed the multi-talented 1-inch balls and made a "thumbprint" in them with a wine cork--washed of course. It works so much better than your thumb or a melon-baller, because it makes a perfect little pool that holds the filling and doesn't let it spill out and make your cookies ugly. I topped them off with a dusting of powdered sugar so they don't look exactly like the other cookies. I'm not a pastry chef after all!

Cookie #4: Orange Almond Cookies. Feel free to help me out with fancier names. Almond Bisquits al'Orange, perhaps? This time I added minced almonds and orange zest from one jumbo orange to the dough, baked the cookies, then let them cool. I made a light glaze with powdered sugar, a bit of water and orange extract. It adds a little more sweetness to the cookie and really gives it it's orange flavor. After I iced the cookies, I sprinkled a bit more orange zest on top not only to make them pretty, but more importantly so people would know they are orange flavored, so they don't take one bite and remember they hate oranges.

So, there you have it. The Great Cookie Challenge of 2008. I had plans for some cookie bars, but I used the wrong kind of caramels and it turned into a rock. Then, I thought peppermint, but decided against it since it seemed too Christmas-y. I think I did pretty well. A few for chocolate lovers and a few fruit-flavored yummies. Something for every taste. P.S.--the things in the middle are peanut butter balls. More on those later.

One last note, if you'd like to do your own "cookie doctoring", but don't have a box of cookie mix, use Martha Stewart's shortbread recipe. It's my favorite. Plus, you'll find that she has loads of shortbread variations using that one recipe. But, it's a whole lot more fun when you concoct your own!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Angel Party Turns Ten!

This is the first of two posts about the Angel Party, an annual shindig I throw with friends each year to celebrate the holidays and collect gifts for a local nonprofit. This year was the 10th Anniversary of the party! In honor of the momentous occasion, I wanted to add a few new goodies. Here they are in all their heavenly glory!

I created this door sign with a pair of giant angel wings, some chipboard letters, gold glitter and beautimous gold ribbon. So simple and really gorgeous. I love how it turned out.

I decided to use a white theme for the Angel Party this year. These snowball table decorations were super easy with Styrofoam balls in various sizes, craft glue, fake snow and a little glitter. I used a red table cloth and silver and white ceramic serving dishes. I also scattered some "pearls" that my friends, Christy and Jenny pulled off of some Christmas berry floral pics.

The first time a guest attends the Angel Party, she is given a pair of wings in the form of a cute little brooch. Every year she returns, she gets a little gold star to add to her wings. This year, everyone who attended also got a little gold bell in honor of the tenth anniversary.

Another Angel Party tradition is the party favor that each angel leaves with at the end of the evening. Every year, I give everyone an angel ornament for their tree. Sometimes, the ornament has a spot to write "Angel Party" and the year on it. I bought these plaster ornaments and painted and glittered them myself. I wanted to keep a white theme this year, so I painted them in white and pearl paint and sprinkled pearl glitter on them. I think they are super cute!

Tune in for more Angel Party fun!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Zoiks! I've been tagged!

I was tagged by Tiffan Tales!

The rules:
1. Place a link to the person that tagged you.
2. List seven unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag (and link to) seven other bloggers at the end of your post, and post on their blogs to let them know they’ve been tagged.

Seven unusual things about me--(actually, I'm doing seven things you may not know about me since I think I'm pretty usual.)
1. I was born with a bow on my head, a paintbrush in one hand and a whisk in the other. Seriously.
2. I can play the piano, but haven't tinkled the ivories in about 20 years. So, I would need sheet music and LOTS of practice!
3. I was a cheerleader in Jr. High and used to be on the swim team.
4. When I was in High School I went to Jamaica to help build a church. It was the trip of a lifetime!
5. I like sardines on my pizza.
6. I can't eat apples. They like, gag me with a spoon.
7. I watch the Girls Next Door. I know!

I'm tagging the following 7 super cool blogs. Check them out!
Plein Texas
Suburban Hippie
Boardroom to Playroom
Erica In The News
Pinks And Needles
Behind Blue Eyes
Michelle's Charm World

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It Must Be My Lucky Month!

Just thought I'd spread the fun photo of my Thanksgiving place setting was one of 10 winners (out of 130 entries) on My prize is Martha Stewart's Cooking School Cookbook.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Minnie, I'm Comin'!

Thanks to everyone who voted for my cookie, "Snowball Greetings from the North Pole." I won second place for my week! My prize is the Wilton Ultimate Tool Caddy and a 53-piece cake decorating set! Two new items that I didn't have before. Woo hoo!

My photo should be up on the winners page in a week. At the end of the contest, which is around Christmas, the Wilton people will choose one cookie of the 18 finalists to receive the Grand Prize, a trip for 4 to Disney World. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Yippee! I'm a winner!

I am just catching up on blog reading and I realized that I won my first ever blog giveaway in November (first ever to enter, too!) I get to purchase one of Kimmie K's cutie dolls at The Whimsy Patch for 50% off! Mmmmm. Which dolly to buy.

Check out her dolls. They are precious.
Thanks, Kimmie!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas North Poll

Get it? North Pole, poll questionnaire? Yeah, I know it doesn't work. But I really wanted it to.

Courtesy of Christy...

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I like to get gift wrapping and ribbons to match my Christmas tree every year. I know. I'm an overachiever.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. We got this cool tree at Lowe's when we moved into our new house. It's tall and slim and the slim part about it is pretty cool because I can cover the whole tree without having to own 20 years worth of ornaments.

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the week after Thanksgiving. Like now.

4. Do you like eggnog? I've never had homemade eggnog. The stuff in the carton is grody.

5. Favorite gift received as a child? Can't think of just one. I had a lot of awesome gifts growing up. My favorites tended to be arts & crafts related

6. Hardest person to buy for? Uncles

7. Easiest person to buy for? Mom. I usually buy her clothes and a piece of Christmas Spode.

8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes. A carved wood one from Paraguay, a small clay one from Mexico, a large clay one from Mexico and Grandma's glass one

9. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?

11. Favorite Christmas movie? White Christmas. I like to sing along.

12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually around late November. Sometimes I pick up things here and there throughout the year, then forget where I hid them.

13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No. But, I do send some to Second Blessing.

14. Best Christmas traditions? Helping Mom set up her tree. Playing games on Christmas eve.

15. Lights on the tree? Pre-lit tree

16. Favorite Christmas song? Hmmmm. I love What Child is This

17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel to Victoria, TX usually every other year.

18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher & Dancer & Prancer & Vixen, Comet & Cupid & Donner & Blitzen and Rudolph. If I don't say it that way with all the "ands", I'll forget them. Oh, and do you know about Olive, the Other Reindeer?

19. Angel on the tree top or a star? Usually a star with a huge bow, but I found a beautiful gold glittery crown at the Nutcracker Market this year that I'm going to use. I'm pretty excited about that.

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning, unless we are in Victoria, then we open the Garza presents on Christmas Eve.

21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Christmas Day is so short.

22. Favorite ornament theme or color? I change it up every year. Just keepin' it real. I really love my lion ornaments.

23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? I guess that would be honey baked ham.

24. Favorite Christmas breakfast? I don't really eat breakfast. But, brunch tends to be leftovers.

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Clothes and a trip to Disney World! Thanks for voting for my cookie! I have my fingers crossed! Not really, because that would be hard to do when your typing.

How do you do Christmas?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Green + Red = Christmas

So, I was reading blogs tonight and was sooooo surprised to see a post about me! My girl Kandi wrote about my wedding in her blog today called "Their Heart on our Tree". It's so amazing that I just have to send a shout out to my ADPi sister-4-evah! Girrrrl, you made me cry my own tears! I love you, lady!

Kandi was a very gracious bridesmaid and I am blessed that I have had her in my life for over 15 years. I was truly honored to stand in Kandi's wedding, which was over 10 years ago! Kandi married Stephen, a former SMU cheerleader who was one of our “fraternity brothers” and is an all-around excellent guy. Her wedding was beautiful, too...very elegant. She gave her bridesmaids little silver hope chest boxes. Mine still sits on my chest of drawers.

What does this have to do with Christmas? Not much except her wedding color was forest green and mine was cranberry red; and as it turns out, green + red = Christmas. Am I right? Am I right? Check us out!

P.S.- Kandi, I believe I am in possession of the circle-journal and will go hunting for it in a couple weeks. Promise. ;)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Everyday

We had our first Thanksgiving in our house this year.  My parents-in-law, sister, brother-in-law and parents came over for a late lunch. It was great. We had cranberries, potato salad, acorn squash, corn casserole, two kinds of stuffing and a fried turkey. I tell you what--that fried turkey was so good that I don't think I'll ever eat turkey the other way again. I like the dark meat with crispy skin. It's like a layer of turkey jerky with juicy goodness underneath!

Here's "my" famous corn casserole recipe that one of my favorite friends, Jennifer, shared with me. It's really her mom's recipe:

Carolyn's Corn Casserole

2- 6 oz. pkgs cornbread mix
1 stick butter
2 eggs
2- 15 oz. cans kernel corn, drained
2 - 15 oz. cans cream-style corn
2 cups sour cream
1 tablespoon sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Melt butter in 9"x13" pan. (I use Pyrex)
3. In a big bowl, beat eggs
4. Add in corn, sour cream, sugar, cornbread mix and melted butter (from the Pyrex pan) and mix well.
5. Pour batter back into pan
6. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes until brown on top and around edges.

I spent the night before Thanksgiving decorating the table and dessert table which is the console that I usually have in the living room. I bought a brown table cloth and pumpkin place mats. They matched my amber and fig Pottery Barn plates perfectly! And, I was very excited to be able to use my Grandma's amber drink glasses. Since I only have four, I just alternated them with clear glasses. (I'm going to start searching for more amber glasses to match Grandma's on Ebay.)

Instead of using place cards, I decided to make place decorations that would serve as a Thanksgiving activity. So, I cut leaves out of sturdy paper then used a couple beaded picks which I wrapped together with floral tape and tied them all together with a brown satin ribbon. Before we ate, I asked everyone to write things they were thankful for on their leaf and to take it home and put it somewhere they would see it everyday, like on their mirror or in their wallet. That way, whenever they see it, they can stop and thank God for their blessings and have Thanksgiving everyday throughout the year. I think everyone appreciated it. Yay for Thanksgiving!

click on photo to enlarge

Click on the image below to print your very own recipe card.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Disney or Bust!

Hello, chickadees! I entered a cookie in the 2008 Cookie Decorating Contest sponsored by Wilton. Grand Prize is a trip to Disney World, and mama needs a new pair of Mickey ears!

My cookie is called "Snowball Greetings from the North Pole" and per contest rules, the entire piece is edible; although, it's been sitting around several days, so eating it is probably not the best idea anymore! In case you're wondering, I made a large cookie for the tree skirt and used an inverted ice cream cone for the tree. All the decorations were created with fondant.

Voting for my contest entry begins Tuesday at noon and ends Sunday, also at noon. So pretty-please with a cherry on top, vote for me once every day of the contest! To vote for my cookie, click on the photo below. When you get to the voting page, find my cookie, click on the “Choose Me” button, then click on the red button on the left under the cookie picture that says “Submit Your Vote”. If you forget to click on that button, your vote won’t be counted. Thanks for your support, chickadees!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Future Engagement

Let me begin by saying that this is wedding-related and it is quite long. But, it's worth it, trust me.

Now, allow me to set the stage: one of my most bestest friends, bridesmaid, sorority housemate and fellow Hello Kitty fan club member is a sassy gal named Candy. If she were a candy she would be Strawberry Laffy Taffy—a bit sweet, a bit tangy and fun for all ages, anytime of the day. Candy is a die-hard football fanatic and is true blue to our beloved alma mater, Southern Methodist University. Candy has a rad football lovin’, Star Wars watchin’, roller coaster ridin’ boyfriend named Tom. They were MADE for each other.

Tom calls me up one day and leaves a cryptic message asking me to call him back and that he would be playing tennis for the next hour or so and would be out of pocket. Oh, and by the way, “don’t tell Candy.” Well, a man should know better than to leave a message like that without giving a girl a hint! Throw me a bone, I say! So, I keep calling and calling and calling him back all the while thinking, “how long can a guy play tennis on a school night?” He finally calls back and tells me that he is going to pony up (I know—I’m hilarious) and propose to Candy during the SMU homecoming game. Needless to say, I squeal like…no, not that thank you very much...a little girl who just met Cinderella (more on that later). Anyhoo, he asks me if I would help him get the grand proposal on the Jumbo Tron-thingy (that’s a technical term) during half-time. Now, I ask you: how could I refuse this super-romantical request?

Sooooo, I call one of my other bestest friends and sorority sisters, “Kandi with a K” to let her in on the scheme. Since Kandi is in Dallas, I thought she may be able to go to the athletic office and see what they can do for us. As it turns out, Kandi recently arranged to have her kids’ Christmas portraits taken on the SMU football field (hubby was a cheerleader) and made a great contact, Monica, who works in the marketing department of SMU athletics. Kandi calls on Monica, the amazing get-it-done-girl who “shows up” big time to make Candy’s dream come true.

On Homecoming Day, we met Candy and Tom for the parade on campus in the morning. Throughout the afternoon, Kandi with a K and I insisted that we all take advantage of every photo op we can find around campus. (Candy is a big scrapper and I knew she’d want mementos of the day.) I must say that Tom was not the only one freaking out a little—ok, a lot—all day. I would have taken a Valium that morning had I known the butterflies in my stomach were going to have a carnival from dawn ‘til dusk. So, all goes as planned and during half-time, the announcer asks everyone to turn their attention to said Jumbotron-thingy and row number 1 section 111. Tom gets down on one knee and pops the question. Candy says “yes” amongst the cheering and crying of fellow SMU Mustang fans. Seriously, women sitting around us that we didn’t know were boo-hooing! After the game, we all had a cupcake and champagne toast to Candy and Tom and their fabulous adventures to come. Here are a few photos from the awesome event. Congratulations, Candy and Tom! We love you!!!!

On another note, Candy and I have entered the Wilton Cookie Decorating contest this year. The grand prize is a trip for 4 to Disney World! We have a pact that if one of us wins the trip, we all go together. So, please click on the photo of Candy’s cookie, “Letters to Santa”, below and vote for her every day this week. When you go to the page, you must find her cookie, click on the “Choose Me” button, then click on the button on the left under the cookie picture that says “Submit Your Vote”. If you forget to click on that button, your vote won’t be counted. Remember, a vote for Candy is a vote for me and I'm dying to meet Cinderella! (My cookie will be up for voting next week.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bridesmaids are Always Prepared!

My sister gave each of her bridesmaids a beautiful brown tote bag embroidered with each of our names to put our wedding day essentials in. She included the Premier Designs jewelry pieces that she wanted us to wear at the wedding, a bottle of nail polish that matched our gowns (we all painted our toe nails with it), pretty wine glasses that she embellished with glass beads and a cute reversible cup wrap from The Cozy Corset Cuff. Love it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Musical Interlude

Hello, chickadees! The music you are listening to this month is from the CD that the hubster put together for my sister to give to her rehearsal dinner guests. Enjoy!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Smart Bride, Dum Dum Bridesmaids

These are the bouquets my sister made for her bridesmaids to carry during the wedding rehearsal. Aren't they yummy? She used a Styrofoam ball and trimmed it so it had a flat bottom and glued it on a round piece of cardboard. Then, she trimmed the lollipop sticks and inserted them into the ball. She used a ribbon in her wedding color to wrap around the base and make a pretty bow accent. You could also glue a plastic bouquet handle on the back if you’d like. Another idea would be to use only lollipops that match your wedding colors and save the rest for yourself! Although, I really do like the multi-colored look, plus there was a flavor for every taste! The lollies were perfect to keep the little bridal party attendants happy (and the groomsmen, too!) So, so cute and very clever! She takes after her big sis! **wink, wink**

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wedding Wrap-up

My sister got married on November 1st. It was a gorgeous day and she looked fabulous. In honor of the event that has been our family's single focus for the past few months, I dedicate the month of November to all things wedding.

The wedding ceremony and reception were held at Chateau Polonez, a beautiful event venue in Northwest Houston. The ceremony was held outside at the gazebo and the reception was held inside the mansion. The interior was gorgeous and even matched the wedding's fall colors! This is a short video that Leti's photographer, Edward Charles Photography put together for her:

Monday, October 27, 2008

Christmas in October

This masterpiece earned the coveted "Most Creative Costume" ribbon in 7th grade. It was brilliant, I must admit, and the cheapest costume I ever made. Method: get one huge box, wrap it in last year's left over gift wrap, cut hole for head, and top it off with a gigantic bow headband (of which I owned dozens.) It was a cute costume and everyone loved it, but that sucker was a flippin' nightmare to maneuver on the bus!

Oct. 14, 2009- I submitted this post to Tip Junkie's Talk to Me Tuesday feature. This week's installment, Halloween Show and Tell, highlights Halloween costumes and since this one is so simple to make, I thought I'd share it. Click the logo below to go to Halloween Show and Tell and see more spooky fun!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Give me your trickers, your treaters, your candy-warmonger masses...

Fast forward to 2001. This is my homage to the great Lady the month after 9/11. I thought it was appropriate and I think everyone at work appreciated it. Ingredients: One giant gray-green cut of fabric (on sale, score!), one text book covered in silver wrapping paper, one spray-painted flashlight with gold tissue paper flame, one foil brooch, one store-bought Lady Liberty headpiece, a pair of sandals and some silver lipstick.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Me and Melly, we's like peas and carrots

Welcome to the first installment of Homemade Costumes of Halloweens Past...

When we were dating, my husband used to say--in his Forrest, Forrest Gump voice--that we went together like peas and carrots. So, when we got an invitation for a Halloween costume party/couples wedding shower (cool, huh?), I thought peas and carrots would be the perfect couples costume!

The costumes were a breeze to make (once I figured it out) and pretty inexpensive. First, I tried making them with plastic carrots and pea pods, but they were too heavy and wouldn't stay, plus it just wasn't very cute. So, I decided to make them look like the actual peas and carrots dish. I made them with Styrofoam, Velcro and paint. The peas were 4" balls and the carrots were 2"x 4"x 12" rectangular blocks which I cut into square pieces. I painted them with a couple coats of acrylic craft paint and affixed Velcro (the rough side) on the back of each. I tested the veggies on our new fuzzy sweaters and soon found out that the peas needed a flat surface to stay on better. So I trimmed them and it worked just fine. Perfecto! Costume bonus: without the bits, you have a comfy cozy sweater to wear for the rest of the season...I did!

Everyone at the shindig thought they were so cute. The picture above is at the beginning of the evening with the peas and carrots separate. As the party rolled on, people kept stealing our vegetables and mixing them up. We looked like a mixed bowl of orange and green bits by the end of the evening just like a Luby's side dish! It was so much fun. We ended up wearing them again for my sorority sister's Halloween party in Dallas.

This costume idea was featured in the Costume Roundup on One Pretty Thing!  Thank you, chickadees!

Oct. 14, 2009- I submitted this post to Tip Junkie's Talk to Me Tuesday feature. This week's installment, Halloween Show and Tell, highlights Halloween costumes and since this one is so darn cute, I thought I'd share it. Click the logo below to go to Halloween Show and Tell and see more spooky fun!

Friday, October 24, 2008

You go and rock that vote, girl!

There is no doubt that this year's election will be historical. We could possibly be inaugurating the first African-American president; or, we could soon be swearing in the first female vice-president. Either way, this election will usher in a new day for minorities in politics. I must admit that I am not the most politically-minded person. It's embarrassing to say so, but it's the truth and I suspect I'm not alone. Months before an election, I've always known who I plan to vote for, but this year just may shake up my steadfast party vote. I don't know about you, but after those debates, I decided I need to do my own research. So, if you're like me, and need a bit of help sifting through all the "let me say that agains" and "across the aisles" and "Joe Plummers", without all the misinformation and false claims of voting history, let's do our homework so we won't be undecided as we stand in line. Click the logo below to connect to the League of Women Voters website and rock that vote, girl!

P.S. If Tina Fey was running for the presidency, this vote would be a piece of cake.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Whatever, Marta Ehstewart!

If you haven't caught on to my new favorite show on the Fine Living Network, you MUST! It's called Whatever, Martha! and it is the most irreverent Martha Stewart show ever. It's hilarious. It's hosted by Martha's daughter, Alexis and her friend Jennifer. They watch clips of Martha Stewart Living and make fun of Martha! There's also a radio show on Sirius, but I'm not cool enough to have satellite radio. The most brilliant part about the show is that it is produced by the crafting queen herself. Not me, silly. Although, I like to call myself Marta Ehstewart-- that's Spanish for Martha Stewart. Alexis' and Jennifers' blogs:

My blog

Written to the tune of Elton John's Your Song.

It's a little bit funny, the words that I write
I want to share them when the moment is right.
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd write a big book on which I’d live.

I could write in a journal, but then again, no
Or I could hit Broadway with a one woman show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my blog and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is my blog
It may be quite simple but at least it’s not long
I hope you comment, I hope you comment when I add a new post
’Cause yours are the comments that matter the most.

I sit on the couch with my little dogs
They love to watch me while I write a good blog.
Though my laptop runs low when I write too long,
It's for people like you that I keep it turned on.

So excuse me for rambling but I want you to know
That my blog’s as good as any old Joe’s.
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Mine can’t be the worst that you’ve ever seen.

And you can tell everybody this is my blog
It may be quite simple but I may be wrong
It might be awesome
It might be awesome, you never know.
How wonderful words are when you let them flow.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome to the Nest!

Hi, chickadees! I'm so excited that you found my itty bitty nest in blogland. Come on in and perch a spell!

Some of my friends have said to me, "You're so creative, you should write a book." Well, here it is and the best part? There's no right way to read it. You can start at the end and go backwards, or you can jump in anywhere you want. One thing is certain--you never know what you're gonna find! I hope you have fun at my nest and pretty please with-a-Cheeto-on-top, leave me comments! It makes my day!  How else am I gonna know if you're reading? Oh, annnnd grab my button so I can meet your peeps, too!

The name Silly Bee's Chickadees came to me while I was opening my store on etsy. I wanted to make the name personal and cute, so I came up with a name that honors my family. My mom's name is Bea--she is the ultimate Queen Bee--and when I was little, she used to call me "chickadee".  So, my sister and I are Bea's chickadees! If you know my family, the silly part is obvious. We are silly. My dad is the ringleader, fer sher. We love being silly.  It's the best way to be! 

Thanks for checking me out!
Have a chickadee day!

P.S.  If you don't know where to start, check out the Find It list over there on the side bar.