Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kiosk Calendaritis Remedy

I'm back and ready for 2010! Finally.

I'm only 3 weeks late. The deal was that I didn't have a calendar and I need one to wrap my brain around a new year. I know. Weird. I've been looking for one, but cars, barns, whales and wolves don't exactly inspire me. Blah. And some of them are just ridiculous.  Case in point:

The worst are those calendar kiosks at the mall. They give me hives. They invade your space. It's like the calendars themselves are mocking me. "Hey you--don't you have a Thomas Kinkaid CD case calendar yet?" I know he paints with light and all that, but he's not exactly my type and I don't feel like spending money on his calendar. (No offense, Tom.)

Anyhoo, since January is half over, I decided to get a move on and make my own calendar. I know it's a bit late and you probably bought your calendar months ago, but I thought I would share mine with you anyway. I added some fun holidays and celebrity birthdays to it. (I found out I share mine with Cher!) So, even if you already have a calendar, you will definitely want this one, too. You don't want to miss Bubble Wrap Day this year, do you?

You can preview the entire calendar in the window below. Cool, eh? To get your very own official 2010 Silly Bee's Chickadees Calendar click the "download" link. If the calendar preview doesn't show, just click on the highlighted text above the box. By the way, Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is next Monday, the 25th!

2010 Silly Bee's Chickadees Calendar

P.S.  I would love for you to share my calendar with your readers too, but please don't save the file as your own to distribute. Instead, include a link to this post. I greatly appreciate it!

Don't you just love the cute fonts that I used on the calendar? They are courtesy of Kevin and Amanda. Check them out!


  1. This calendar is very creative. Nice work. :)

  2. So cute. I love all the days you have on there! I'm totally going to celebrate cake decorating day.

  3. Melissa - these calendar pages are so cute. I'm printing them for my daughter's homeschool binder - a cute way to teach calendar skills! I also sent the link to several friends. You're so talented!

  4. Love the calendar but would have loved the chance to put my own birthdays in

  5. Hello, Anonymous! You can absolutely add your own birthdays. Just download the file, open it in a program like Adobe Illustrator and add some text boxes where you'd like to add your special days.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE your calendar!!!!!! I've been using it for several months and I'm REALLY hoping you will make another for 2011 !!! Please?!!! My daughter loves looking forward to what "special" day we get to celebrate the next month!

  7. Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed it! I will definitely make another. This time, I'll try to post it before the new year!
