The most important part of the whole shindig was the fashion. So, I turned to What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear (WWEPW) for inspiration. It's awesome! If you are a fan of Emma's wardrobe, definitely give it a look-see. Click here to check out the WWEPW Polyvore group with a bunch more Emmalicious ensembles.
My original look was red and black, but I found a yellow embroidered cardigan in my mom's closet and two beautiful vintage brooches from my grandma's old jewelry box that were perfect! So, my outfit changed from Cherries Jubilee to Bananas Foster (I imagine Emma giving her ensembles dessert names.) I put my outfit together on Polyvore, like the other WWEPWers do. Here's what I came up with:
Bananas Foster by melgarzaallen featuring Rocha.John Rocha Petite cardigans
All the Emmas looked amazing; I think we made Miss Pillsbury proud! I decided to play around a bit and Polyvore some of the outfits that showed on Friday. Here are Leti, Kandi and Christy's outfits:
Coconut Snowcone by melgarzaallen featuring Lola Rose jewelry
Grape Granita by melgarzaallen featuring Gilles Dufour For Browns cardigans
Blueberry Sorbet by melgarzaallen featuring Unisa shoes
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