Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've been so loopy I forgot to add a title! <-- How's that?

Chickadees!  It's been a while, but I tell you what-- it has been a three ring circus around here!  First, there was the hubster's surprise birthday party on the same day as the Benefit House Party.  Now, it's the fundraising event I am chairing for the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans--AAMA (pronounced ah-mah.)

Anyhoo, I've been juggling nonstop and I won't stop until Cinco de Mayo!  That's when the event takes place.  It's going to be really spectacular, but as I told some friends on facebook, I'm the entertainment chair, the ticket sales chair, the marketing chair, the decorations chair, the raffle chair, the refreshments chair and the everything else chair.  I might as well be a dining set!

The good news is there will be plenty of pictures to share and some tutorials from the event that you are going to love.  So, stay tuned!

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