Hi, chickadees! I'm so excited that you found my itty bitty nest in blogland. Come on in and perch a spell!
Some of my friends have said to me, "You're so creative, you should write a book." Well, here it is and the best part? There's no right way to read it. You can start at the end and go backwards, or you can jump in anywhere you want. One thing is certain--you never know what you're gonna find! I hope you have fun at my nest and pretty please with-a-Cheeto-on-top, leave me comments! It makes my day! How else am I gonna know if you're reading? Oh, annnnd grab my button so I can meet your peeps, too!
The name Silly Bee's Chickadees came to me while I was opening my store on etsy. I wanted to make the name personal and cute, so I came up with a name that honors my family. My mom's name is Bea--she is the ultimate Queen Bee--and when I was little, she used to call me "chickadee". So, my sister and I are Bea's chickadees! If you know my family, the silly part is obvious. We are silly. My dad is the ringleader, fer sher. We love being silly. It's the best way to be!
Thanks for checking me out!
Have a chickadee day!
P.S. If you don't know where to start, check out the Find It list over there on the side bar.